Friday, May 11, 2012

Quick Meal: Huevos Rancheros

I remember coming home from work one night dead tired. I was so tired that I couldn't even begin to think about cooking. To make matters worse, the fridge was practically empty - a gallon of milk, eggs, and some random leftovers from a recent party, such as dip and salsa. Luckily, my girlfriend knew exactly what to do with the scant ingredients we had available at the time - she whipped up some very simple and delicious huevos rancheros.

Sometimes referred to as a salsa omelette, huevos rancheros is simply egg and salsa - at least in most cases.

Things you'll need:
1 spatula
1 frying pan
1 plate
1 bowl
1 whisk or fork

2 tbs butter or cooking spray
1/4 cup milk (optional)
4 eggs
about 1/2 cup salsa

Step 1:
Crack the eggs into the bowl and add the milk. Beat with the whisk or fork until well-blended.

Step 2:
Heat the frying pan to medium heat and melt 1 tbs of butter (or grease the pan with cooking spray).

Step 3:
Add the eggs to the pan and allow them to sit and cook. Do not stir them or disturb them in any way. You want the eggs to maintain a flat, round shape. The eggs will begin to cook through and should begin to solidify within about 5 minutes. You can use the spatula to carefully lift the edge of the omelette and peek underneath to check the doneness.

Step 4:
The eggs will be ready to flip once they are no longer wet on the bottom. Some of that wetness should also be drying up on top. Once the eggs have reached this point, flip them. Add the other tbs of butter to the pan as you flip, or grease it again with the cooking spray. Continue cooking until it the eggs are cooked evenly.

Step 5:
Once the eggs are done cooking, remove them from the pan and place them on a plate. Pour the salsa into the middle of the omelette and then fold it over.

You're all done!

I have made this same recipe before, only I  made my own salsa with chopped up bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, cilantro and lime. However, this recipe is still delicious if you just use salsa from the jar. Also, huevos rancheros is traditionally served with black beans on the side, but this is optional, of course.


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