Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tools for the job: Blender

Whether you are buried in the books or constantly dashing out the door to work, you are probably aware of the benefits of having food that you can eat on the go. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find a lot of foods that are healthy and filling, while being portable.

This is where it is very handy to have a blender - but not just any blender. I was recently at the store and discovered a personal blender. With this appliance, you would be able to make a single-serving of your favorite smoothie and run out the door with it, without even having to pour it into a different container!

This is the one I saw in Target:
 Hamilton Beach Single-Serve Blender with Travel Lid

You can probably find a huge variety of these online, and you would probably save a little more money from shopping online as well.

The one in Target was around $20, but you can buy it online for around $13.

The other handy thing about blenders is that they should be allowed in most dorms, so you can whip up a quick shake or smoothie in the comfort of your own room before class.

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